Substitute Lesson Plan
Level 3
Description: Students will get to watch a 15 minute of Venezuela. The video is completely in Spanish. After the video students will do activities in workbook to compare their thoughts before and after the video about Venezuela.
Rationale: The purpose of this plan is to give students a more in depth view of Venezuela. This can easily fit into the unit whenever a substitute is needed. It is very easy to have students do the activity if the substitute does not know Spanish. The video is in Spanish, which is always great for students to hear authentic language use and will improve their listening skills in the language. This also gives students more of a real life view of Venezuela instead of just pictures in the book.
Objective: Students will learn more about Venezuela and be able to describe their thoughts and by giving their opinions on the country in by writing a journal entry in Spanish. The Substitute will collect the assignment when the class is over and when the teacher returns they will be able to see how the students interpreted the video and activities.
Materials Needed:
Video of Venezuela
1) Students watch video on Venezuela (burned copy on CD labeled Venezuela Introduction: YouTube).
2) Students write in their journals about their thoughts on Venezuela.
Do their thoughts before the video match with those after the video? Has the video changed the students' views on the country?
3) After the video, students are expected to complete the following cultural activities in their workbooks to be turned in by the end of the hour:
-Pg 82 activities 1, 2, 4
Watch video: Part 1:
Video turístico de Venezuela - User: videosvariosvideos
Part 2:</span>
Video turístico de Venezuela - User: videosvariosvideos
1.2 Interpretive Communication. MI Standards: 1.2.N.L.c
2.2 Products and Perspectives. MI Standards: 2.2.N.G.a, 2.2.N.G.b, 2.2.N.C.a, 2.2.N.F.b.
4.2 Comparing Cultures. MI Standards: 4.2.N.a.