Un viaje de Venezuela y su vocabulario de tecnología
Date of Lesson: April 1, 2008
Brief Description: To familiarize the students with the vocabulary of new technological items and words found in and around the office and classroom.
Language: Spanish
Level of Students: High School Level Three Spanish
Realia: “The Office” en español
Materials Needed: Handout (see attached), ‘”La Oficina” en español’, journals for each student (a blank piece of paper will work fine), a pen or pencil for each student.
Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives): Students will be able to speak and writing using the technology vocabulary introduced to them in the lesson. They will also be able to use it to write a journal entry, which will help me to assess if they have really understood the vocabulary introduced to them.
Vocabulary Used: celular: cell phone, mandar un fax: to send a fax, el rascacielos: skyscraper, una carta electrónico: e-mail, la antenna parabólica: satellite antenna, el horno de microondas: microwave, la fotocopiadora: photocopier, adaptarse: to adapt oneself, los adelantos: advances, empeorar: to get worse, hoy en día: nowadays, informar: to inform, navegar el Internet: to surf the Internet, la tecnología: technology, la ventaja: advantage, la vida diaria: daily life.
Standards and Benchmarks:
1.1 Interpersonal Communication:
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Share a detailed description of places and things beyond their immediate environment or in the target culture
Interview a classmate in the target language about their likes, dislikes, preferences, and opinions
Share in writing, opinions and individual perspectives on a variety of topics dealing with contemporary issues
1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Understand main idea and supporting detail, and summarize a visual media or live presentation (film/DVD, TV shows and commercials, theatre and musical production)
4.2 Comparing Cultures: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Identify the significance of the cultural products within the target culture(s) and compare them to one’s own
5.2 Personal Enrichment: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Seek out opportunities and use the target language with teachers, friends, or family outside of the classroom
Context: Learning new technology vocabulary in the classroom with the use of a short video clip of “The Office”, an information – gap activity and a journal entry.
Rationale: Technology is an important part of the growing culture of the United States, Venezuela, and around the world. Students are familiar with these words in English and are aware that they exist. It will be beneficial for them to know them in the future job market such as learning key office terms like send a fax or answer the telephone. The information – gap activity goes beyond a simple question to get to know the students better and draws on prior knowledge recall. This vocabulary will interest the students and motivate them to learn!
1. Students are given a worksheet with a vocabulary bank of technology. (30s)
2. Students repeat each word quickly as teacher says it so they are aware of correct pronunciation. (2 min)
3. Before movie is played, students are told: “Pay attention to the following short movie. In it, you will see a picture of each of your vocabulary words. Make an educated guess under each vocab. Word as to what you think that word means. Remember, these words will be in context so get ready!” (1 min)
4. Students view movie. (4 min)
5. Do students have any comprehension questions? (1 min)
6.Students view movie a second time. (4 min)
7. Go over vocabulary words. (2 min)
8. Check for comprehension throughout class by asking personalized questions. (3 min)
9.Students create an info-gap activity of their own. (5 min total)
a. This activity is so that other students will understand it.
10.See attached.
11. Model the activity for the students. Have a student model it with you.
(3 min)
12. Students complete the info-gap activity and questions on worksheet.
(10 min)
13. Go over answers with students. (7 min)
14. Write a journal question on board for students to answer.
(Rest of class & finish for homework)
a. ¿Cuáles algunas ventajas y desventajas de las tecnologías hoy en día? ¿Cómo serías sin los adelantos de la tecnología que tenemos hoy?
Click here to find the worksheet that corresponds with this lesson.