Introducción a Venezuela
Language: Spanish
Level: 3
Brief Description: The unit theme is a trip to Venezuela, so this lesson is an introduction to Venezuela. Students will create a KWL chart about Venezuela. First, students will brainstorm what they already know about Venezuela. This way, the teacher can draw on students’ previous knowledge, and get an idea of what students already know. Then, students will fill out the “W” column, or things they want to know about Venezuela. Hopefully, they will learn all or most of the things they want to know throughout the unit.
Rationale: Since we will be focusing on Venezuela throughout the whole unit, it is important to give students some basic background knowledge. It is also important to see what they already know, so we do not waste time going over things they already know. Also, we can draw on their previous knowledge and take it one step further. In addition, by finding out what students want to know, the teacher can plan lessons that will be interesting to the students. I think students will really like this lesson because they will have a say in the direction of the unit. They will be able to talk about things that are interesting to them, and will hopefully be motivated by realizing that the teacher is asking for their input. It should also feel rewarding to fill out the “L” column of the chart at the end of the unit and see all that they have learned about Venezuela.
-Students will be able to reflect on what they already know about Venezuela. We will be able to see this when they fill out the “K” column of the KWL chart.
-Students will be able to practice asking questions as they fill out the “W” column of the chart.
-Students will be able to point to Venezuela on a map of South America, and will be able to list facts about the country, especially foods, celebrations, oil industry, etc. They will be able to display all of their knowledge about the country at the end of the unit when they fill out the “L” column of the chart.
-Students will practice their communications skills, as they discuss in small groups and as a class what they already know and what they want to know about Venezuela.
Materials Needed:
-Large piece of paper
-Pictures of Venezuela (on a PowerPoint or something else)
-Map of South America
1.Show students a slide show of pictures of Venezuela. Ask them if they have a guess of what country these pictures represent.
2.Show a map of South America and ask if they can point out Venezuela. If they can’t, show them where it is located. Tell them that for the next three weeks, we are going on a trip to Venezuela.
3.Put a large piece of paper (if possible) on the board. It should be divided into three columns, K (stands for what students already know), W (stands for what students want to find out) and L (stands for what students have learned at the end of the unit).
4.Divide students into small groups or pairs. Each group should brainstorm ideas of what they already know about Venezuela.
5.After a few minutes, ask for a volunteer from each group to come up to the board one at a time to write (in the TL) something in the K column.
6.Next, ask students what they want to find out about Venezuela… if students don’t seem to have ideas, give some ideas/suggestions. For example, does Venezuela have a good soccer team? What is the weather like there? What kind of food do they eat there? If I went to Venezuela, what would I see or do?
7.Ask students to come up and write their question or idea in the W column.
8.Ask students if they would like to visit Venezuela some day, why or why not.
MI Standards & Benchmarks:1.1.M.SL.f: Share a detailed description of places and things beyond their immediate environment or in the target culture
1.1.N.SL.k: Share opinions and preferences in the target language with their classmates
1.2.A.L.a: Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom language in the target language on a variety of familiar and unfamiliar topics
3.1.A.a: Acquire new content knowledge about unfamiliar topics through the target language