Learning Centers Lesson Plan
Language: Spanish
Level: 3
Brief Description: This is a learning center lesson. The room should be set up in 4 areas for the lessons. Each group is designed to focus on different aspects of this unit. In one section students will practice the grammar aspect of Por vs Para. In another, students will practice the present perfect tense with an activity with a partner. The third group will be lead by the teacher to provide more individual attention to students when talking in the target language. The last group is made to help practice the new vocabulary words.
Rationale: This lesson takes place in the middle of the unit plan and is a wrap up of previously learned materials so far in the unit. The learning centers give students the opportunity to have a more individual learning experience. At the end of this lesson students will have more practice in the target language and hopefully feel more comfortable with the topics of this unit.
Objective: After this lesson, students will have a clearer understanding of Por and Para, and the present perfect. The teacher will be able to informally asses this in the center how the students understand the material and if there are any misunderstandings within the unit. Students will be turning in written work from the vocabulary center. From the written activity the teacher will be able to see if the students are understanding the vocabulary, and also grammar structures that are used within the writings.
Materials Needed:
Por Vs Para sentences on note cards
Different Learning Centers:
1. Students will play a game with Por and Para. One student will the the "Host" and have the sentences on note cards. Students will then pick one and then they will have to answer the correct por or para.
2. Students will do an activity where they will work on the grammar focuses of this unit. (Actividad 9 pagina 65)
3. Students will work with me the teacher, and we will be having a conversation about food and how it tastes, we will be focusing mainly on the new vocabulary.
4. Students practice contextualized vocabulary as a review game: In pairs students will pick a vocabulary word and write a description. This will then switch with their partner and guess the vocabulary word. The descriptions will be due at the end of class. If possible students will do 2.
MI Standards & Benchmarks:
1.1 Interpersonal Communication. MI Standards: 1.1.N.SL.b, 1.1.N.SL.g, 1.1.N.SL.h, 1.1.N.SL.k, 1.1.N.RW.b, 1.1.N.RW.h
1.2 Interpretive Communication. MI Standards: 1.2.N.L.a, 1.2.N.R.a
4.1 Comparing Languages. MI Standards: 4.1.N.a, 4.1.N.b
5.1 Use of Language. MI Standards: 5.1.N.a